Source code for weighted_topsort

It is an implementation of Topological sort using Depth First Search.
The implementation provides a way to sort the nodes of the graph based on
the weights assigned to each node. When a node is dependent on two other nodes
the node with lowest weight is resolved first.

The input graph is a json structure with dependecies for the node are
indicated as a list. The weights for the nodes are provided as a set of
tag-value pairs.


import heapq
from collections import deque

[docs]class CyclicGraphError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super().__init__(message) self.errors = message
[docs]class TopSort(list): """ Topological sort with weighted nodes :param graph: Directed graph to be sorted in json format with dependencies as values to nodes :type graph: json :param weights: The weights of nodes as json key value pairs :type weights: json :rtype: list """ def __init__(self, graph, weights): = graph self.weights = weights.copy() self.visit_stack = deque() self.sort_stack = deque() self.__process_nodes( def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sort_stack) def __process_nodes(self, jsondata): keys_heap = [(self.weights.get(k, 1), k) for k in jsondata.keys()] heapq.heapify(keys_heap) while keys_heap: _, key = heapq.heappop(keys_heap) if not (key in self.visit_stack): self.visit_stack.append(key) if jsondata.get(key): ch_keys_heap = [ (self.weights.get(k, 1), k) for k in jsondata.get(key) ] heapq.heapify(ch_keys_heap) while ch_keys_heap: _, ch_val = heapq.heappop(ch_keys_heap) if not (ch_val in self.visit_stack): if str(ch_val) in self.__process_nodes( {ch_val:}) else: self.visit_stack.append(ch_val) self.sort_stack.append(str(ch_val)) elif not (ch_val in self.sort_stack): raise CyclicGraphError( 'Cycle detected in path {} -> {}' .format(str(self.visit_stack), str(ch_val))) self.sort_stack.append(str(key)) return self.sort_stack